As a school of the Archdiocese of Newark, Saint Joseph School has been part of a curriculum mapping project. This project is ongoing and will result in the development of K-12 core maps in each subject area.
As stated on the Archdiocese of Newark’s website, curriculum mapping is a process that helps schools and districts/dioceses determine the “agreed-upon” learning for all students. This process has been implemented within the Archdiocese to ensure that there is a consistent, clearly articulated curriculum. In addition, the Archdiocesan core curriculum maps clearly articulate the content knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire in each subject at each grade level.
While the curriculum maps articulate the expected learning outcomes for all students, they do not prescribe the methods and resources to be used. Individual teachers, under the supervision of the respective school’s administration, have the flexibility to teach the content and skills in their own manner, utilizing their own particular strengths and teaching style to address the various learning needs of their students.
For more detailed information and to view completed curriculum maps that have been developed thus far, please click the links below. Curriculum maps for other subject areas will be posted to the Archdiocese website as they are completed here.