Saint Joseph School aims to be a NUT-FREE environment; please be sure that homemade bag lunches do not contain peanuts of any type.
Calabria Pizza and The Lab Burger Co. are excited to announce they will be moving to a new ordering system to provide a simpler, more streamlined process for ordering school lunches. Ordering will now be open 24/7 and parents will be able to order up until the day before their lunch day.
Please see instructions below instructions on how to set up an account.*** Please note: you need to create 2 separate accounts (1 username for Lab Burger, 1 different username for Calabria).*** This is a one time process and will store all information for easy ordering.
Mondays & Wednesdays- Lab Burger Day
Tuesdays & Thursdays- Calabria Day
click here to place lunch order
Click here for directions on how to set up Lab Burger Account
Click here for directions on how to set up Calabria Account
On warm-weather days varied grade levels will have the opportunity to eat lunch outdoors in our Lower School outdoor cafe area. Students sit at their grade level designated tables.
Ice cream is sold daily for $1
Snacks are sold on Tuesdays for $1